San Quintin is located about 185 miles (about 5 hours driving) south of the U.S./Mexico border in Tijuana. San Quintin is located in a small valley comprised of six small towns with a combined population of approximately 30,000 people.

The local economy is solely based around agriculture. The majority of the local residents work in the fields harvesting strawberries and tomatoes to be shipped to the USA. Even with the constant need for field workers, the average pay is about $12 per day. This makes it nearly impossible for even the hardest working individuals to make ends meet. Especially with the average household size in Mexico being five people.

San Quintin is nearby the Pacific coast which allows for major fishing and clam industries. This area is also famous for ATV/ off-road trails common in the Baja 500 race.

Ensenada is a larger city located about 77 miles south of San Diego and is in the heart of the Mexican wine country. Ensenada is much larger than San Quintin with a population of around 700,000 people. We focus primarily on troubled areas on the outskirts of town. Ensenada is home to a popular cruise port called La Bufadora (the blowhole) which receives many visitors every year.




San Quintin